Cash Back is without a doubt the most satisfying kind of reward that credit cards can provide the consumers. It is essential that you know some of the Best Cash Back Credit Cards of the year to know which ones will give you the most benefit. Stay Tuned…
In the Cash Back Reward Credit Cards there are no points that you have to spend ages figuring out how to redeem instead you get for real money back in your account that you can spend anywhere you like. Now according to the type of Best Cash Back Credit Card you use you can earn from 1% to 6% of cash back on your spending.
Even the Best Cash Back Credit Cards can be sub-divided into three categories:
- Flat Rate Credit Cards, are the ones that give a consistent rate of cash back on everything.
- Bonus Credit Cards, these are the credit cards that pay on a higher rate on certain purchases and 1% cash back on every other purchase.
- Tiered Credit Cards, these cards give a higher rate of cash back on certain purchases such as meals or groceries and 1% on all other purchases.
Now, the important thing to know is that not every type of cash back credit card is for everyone, in fact you must choose the best one according to your expenditure and spending habits.
The Best Cash Back Credit Cards 2021
1. Discover it® Cash Back
This is a great card to include in the list of Best Cash Back Credit Cards which offers its consumers a high 5% cash back on $1,500 for the categories you chose. The 5% categories comprise of places that people actually spend tons at. The exclusive bonuses of Discover along with a zero annual fee, this card can rightly be called the Best Cash Back Credit Card.
Recommended Credit Score: Good-Excellent
2. Chase Freedom®
Chase Freedom without a surprise is another renowned name in the list of Best Cash Back Credit Cards. Chase Freedom charges $0 in terms of annual fee and offers a generous 5% cash back on bonus categories providing around $1,500 in spending per quarter. It also offers 1% cash back on all other purchases. Earning cash bonus on this card is pretty easy.
Recommended Credit Score: Good-Excellent
3. Chase Freedom Unlimited®
The Chase Freedom Unlimited® card is a Flat-rate cash back credit card with a generous reward rate. It has a long 00% introductory APR period and a convenient to get bonus on sign up. To add cherry on the top it charges no annual fee.
Recommended Credit Score: Good-Excellent
4. Capital One® Quicksilver® Cash Rewards Credit Card
The Capital One® Quicksilver® Cash Rewards Credit Card is another great flat rate cash back card. It offers 1.5% cash back and stands at par with other top cash back credit cards with awesome features and zero annual fee.
Recommended Credit Score: Good-Excellent
5. Citi® Double Cash Card – 18 month BT offer
The Citi® Double Cash Card – 18 month BT offer is a big cash bonus credit card in the list which ranks top in terms of its simplicity and value. It offers a good load of 2% on cash back for every purchase made with it which is divided into 1% when you make the purchase and another 1% when you make the payment. So with this card in hand you can shop like a king or queen and enjoy fantastic cash back reward rate on all purchases.
Recommended Credit Score: Good-Excellent
6. U.S. Bank Cash+™ Visa Signature® Card
The unique rewards system on the U.S. Bank Cash+™ Visa Signature® Card makes it a potentially lucrative option for people who don’t mind (or who even enjoy) actively managing their credit card accounts.
Recommended Credit Score: Good-Excellent
7. Capital One® Savor® Cash Rewards Credit Card
The Capital One® Savor® Cash Rewards Credit Card fit ideally in one’s wallet and is great for those who spend their nights partying out. It offers a generous reward rate between 1% to 4% on purchases while offers a $0 annual fee for the initial year $95 for the consecutive years. It offers $300 on your first $3000 expenditure in the first 3 months of activation.
Recommended Credit Score: Good-Excellent
8. Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express
The Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express has a high annual fee of $95 but worth the perks the credit card has to offer. It is ideal for families who spend extravagantly on gas, groceries and entertainment. You can earn back $250 on $1000 of expenditure within first 3 months of activation. The cash back rate generously lies between 1% to 6%.
Recommended Credit Score: Good-Excellent
9. Alliant Cashback Visa® Signature Credit Card
The annual fee is $0 for the first year and $99 there after however it may not come as a surprise because the Alliant Cashback Visa® Signature Credit Card is launched for the heavy spenders. If after the first year of activation, the consumer spend $9900 then the consumer is given 1.5% cash back rate and $0 annual fee.
If you spend at least $19,800, the no annual fee plus 2% cash back rate. It is an ideal card for those who spend above $50,000 per annum. Besides you can enjoy 2.5% cash back for $10,000 worth of purchases that qualify for cash back in each billing cycle.
Recommended Credit Score: Good-Excellent
10. Discover it® Business Card
Discover it® Business Card is ideal to have in your pocket if your run a side business with heavy expenses such as driving or freelance work. In fact it can rightly be called as a small scale business card for personal and business expenses. Moreover with $0 annual fee the card only becomes more ideal to have.
You can enjoy a great deal of dollar for dollar for cash back in your first year and with Cashback Match you can easily turn your $350 to a generous double of $700.
Recommended Credit Score: Good-Excellent
11. Capital One® QuicksilverOne® Cash Rewards Credit Card
The reality is that not everyone has a credit score above 800. The Capital One® QuicksilverOne® Cash Rewards Credit Card offers an extremely competitive 1.5% rewards rate for people still building their credit scores. Earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, every day.
Recommended Credit Score: Average
12. Bank of America® Cash Rewards Credit Card
The Bank of America® Cash Rewards credit card has an exciting offer for the fresh credit card holders with somewhat a customizable reward program which allows the consumer to select the purchases that can give them the best cash back rate. The consumers can enjoy $200 cash back bonus reward after making $1000 worth of purchases in the first 3 months.
Recommended Credit Score: Good-Excellent